Lindesnes Lighthouse

Lindesnes fyrstasjon
Lindesnes lighthouse
Location Lindesnes, Norway
Year first constructed 1655
Year first lit 1655
Automated 2003
Foundation Granite
Construction Cast iron
Tower shape Round
Height 16,1m
Focal height 50.1m
Current lens Fresnel lens
Range 19.4 nm
Characteristic quick white flash every 20 s
Admiralty number B3058.1
NGA number 1676

Lindesnes Lighthouse (Norwegian: Lindesnes fyrstasjon) is a coastal lighthouse on the southernmost tip of mainland Norway, the peninsula Neset. It is also the oldest lighthouse station in Norway, first lit in 1655. To avoid confusion with the lighthouse at Skagen in Denmark, it was lit in conjunction with Markøy Lighthouse. It has gone through several changes since it was built: In 1822, it was refitted with a coal lamp, and in 1854 a new lamp was installed with the current lens. The current cast iron tower was set up in 1915 and fitted with the old Fresnel lens. In 1920 the lighthouse station got its first fogsignal, a sirene. The fogsignal and its machinery is placed in a building beside the tower. During WW2 Lindesnes lightouse was taken over by the germans. Being an important watchpoint the german built a little fortress with four guns and, after a while, a radarantenna. The traces from WW2 are visible as trenches, tunnels etc. In the 1950's the lighthousestation was electrified and the fogsignal was changed into a powerful Diaphone. The fogsignal was closed as a navigational aid in 1988 but it is still operational and being used at special occasions. Lindesnes lighthouse is owned by the Norwegian Coastal Administration and still an active lighthouse, but also a museum. In addition to the buildings belonging to the lighthouse, keepers cottages, sheds and boathouses, Lindesnes lighthouse has a visitorcentre inside the mountain with exhibitions, a cinemahall and a cafeteria. There's also a museumshop. Lindesnes lighthouse museum is a part of the National museums of coastal infrastructure together with Tungenes lighthouse outside Stavanger, Dalsfjord lighthouse museum at Sunnmøre and Lofotmuseet in Kabelvåg (Lofoten). The museums work close up to the Norwegian Coastal Administration (Kystverket)


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